Understanding Trauma: Insights from a Trauma Psychologist in Melbourne

Life can sometimes throw us into deep waters. Experiences such as a life-threatening situation, serious injury, sexual abuse, or death can lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Our trauma psychologists have seen firsthand the resilience of individuals who have faced such distressing events.

Reliving the traumatic event through distressing memories or dreams is a common experience for people with PTSD. It’s as if the mind is caught in a loop, replaying the event despite being in a safe environment. This condition can dramatically reshape one’s perception of the world and self, often leading to a whirlwind of emotions – fear, anger, guilt, or shame.

Interestingly, PTSD is not always the aftermath of a single, isolated traumatic event. Complex PTSD, a variant of PTSD, can stem from prolonged abuse or neglect. Even less severe forms can significantly impact one’s mood, anxiety levels, personality, relationship style, and attitudes.

Sometimes, with strong emotions, the only way forward is through. Navigating your way through PTSD or Complex PTSD can be challenging. Our trauma psychologists help guide people through and out of it using evidence-based psychological therapy and a compassionate, non-judgmental approach.

Stress and trauma can leave deep imprints on one’s physical and emotional wellbeing, but it doesn’t have to define you. The journey of healing is a testament to human resilience and the power of professional support.