Understanding Anxiety Disorders: A Guide to Management and Anxiety Treatment

What are the signs of anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental health problem and the most common form of any disability in the workplace. If you find yourself constantly battling excessive worry, restlessness, or a pervasive sense of fear, you may meet criteria for an anxiety disorder diagnosis. This article considers a number of strategies that can help, including, coping strategies, breathing techniques, and anxiety treatment via therapy.

Recognising the Signs: When to Consider Anxiety Counseling

The journey to managing anxiety begins with recognising its signs. Common indicators include:

  • Excessive worrying that disrupts daily life
  • Restlessness or feeling ‘on edge’
  • Experiencing a mind going blank
  • Social anxiety, including fear of interacting with others, being observed, or performing
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Episodes of intense panic, which may include a fear of losing control, fear of death, rapid heart-rate, feeling detached from reality, nausea, sweating, or a fear of going insane

Additionally, anxiety often coexists with depression, creating a complex web of emotional challenges.

When to Seek Treatment for Anxiety

While it’s normal to experience anxiety in response to life’s stresses, when these symptoms become a daily occurrence, they can impede your ability to lead a fulfilling life. Anxiety treatment, especially psychological therapy, offers a pathway to develop stress management skills that refocus your energy on what truly matters in your life.

The Highest Standard of Psychological Treatment for Anxiety

At our clinic, our anxiety therapists are not just professionals; they are compassionate allies in your mental health journey. With extensive experience in treating anxiety, they provide a welcoming and comfortable environment for healing and growth.

The clinical psychologists at Clarity can teach you effective tools and skill sets that have been proven to help treat anxiety. Some of these include:


Cultivating a present-focused awareness to reduce anxious thoughts.

Stress Management Strategies:

Techniques to navigate and alleviate stressors.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Exercises:

Structured methods to change negative thought patterns.

Breathing Techniques:

Exercises to control physiological responses to anxiety.

Relaxation Techniques:

Methods to calm the mind and body.

Clarity Psychology: Your Partner in Treating Anxiety

Our goal at Clarity Psychology is threefold:

  1. Identify your anxiety symptoms.
  2. Understand the underlying causes of your anxiety.
  3. Equip you with the skills to effectively manage your symptoms.

By integrating these skills into your daily routine, you’ll find that your anxiety becomes more manageable, allowing you to reclaim the joy and satisfaction of a rewarding life.

To find out more about treatment with Clarity, or to book an appointment in our Carlton based clinic, contact us on 9850 7334.

Image from Alessandra